
checking in about books

cast from the movie Freaks.

I have been the worst about blogging this past week. Been feeling so overwhelmed by life. the transition from summer into fall is always a hard one for me. trying to stay balanced and healthy- which is taking all of my free time and energy! but it is so important for me right now.

despite my seasonal blues I did not want to neglect the blog any longer so I posted this image of the cast of the movie Freaks which I watched for the first time this year when I was on my circus-fiction binge. I highly recommend it- very interesting film. many of the cast members were pulled from actual side shows and circuses.

A few of the books I read during that streak (which did not just include the circus but also any sub culture that related): Geek Love by Katherine Dunn, Something Wicked this Way Comes by Ray Bradbury, Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. all worth reading.

A great site that I have been having fun with is called Goodreads. It is like a myspace for readers. You post the books you have read and are reading and leave comments, suggestions etc. I got some good recommendations off this website. You can check it out here. If you sign us please request me as a friend.

I guess the moral of this blog is to keep reading- it is good for you.

Currently I am on the reading theme of self-discovery books. I am in the middle of The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. It is really helpful and I am taking it very seriously. Never thought of myself as a new age person but all I have to say is that if that type of philosophy can help me be a better and happier person- than I am all for it.

1 comment:

Patti Gibbons said...

I bought Larry the Power of Now. I am still on A New Earth, also by Tolle, and am reading 8 Minute Meditations. I say fill up the toolbox, cause you never know when and what kind of tool you will need! xxp