
artist highlight: sze tsung leong

Another day...another artist from CPW's exhibition Site Seeing to highlight on my blog. Sze Tsung Leong's History Images are truly caught in between all aspects of time- the past, present and future. And they are so lovely...

from his artist statement:
The photographs in History Images are of histories, in the form of cities in China, either being destroyed or created at this juncture in time. They are of past histories, in the form of traditional buildings and neighborhoods, urban fabrics, and natural landscapes, in the process of being erased. They are of the absence of histories, in the form of construction sites, built upon an erasure of the past so complete that one would never know a past had ever existed. And they are of the anticipation of future histories, yet to unfold, in the form of newly built cities.

Sze Tsung Leong is represented by Yossi Milo Gallery. You can view his website here.

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