
and then there was snow...

when i got home i had to take this picture.

finally...Woodstock's first real snow storm of the season. i am psyched to see the snow everywhere. it brings Woodstock to life.

There is something so poetic about walking on a fresh bed of snow and watching as you leave behind your own distinct markings. Next thing you know, your footprints are gone. The trace of your walk is covered by more snow- and you are erased from the landscape. It is a beautiful thing.

I have to say, I am a bit spoiled and therefore able to romanticize the snow. For one, I walk to work. That eliminates the stress of having to drive in a storm. Secondly, I have a carport (yes, like the Floridians). So I do not have to dig my car out the day after. Though, I still have a little bit of shoveling to do, of course.

1 comment:

Anthony Festa, '03 said...

I miss the snowfall upstate.