In any case, today i am going to start highlighting some of the amazing artists coming to CPW this summer to teach weekend workshops. Expect to see this feature on my blog a few times a week for the next month. After that...I will blog about the workshop. How fun! For now, I will promote these events and if you spot anything you are interested in feel free to email me with questions or call CPW at 845-679-9957.
Today I am going to talk about 2 of June's workshops that I think are going to rock!

May 31-June 1
In this two-day hands-on workshop you will learn to make your own pinhole cameras and depart from the world of hi-tech equipment to one of simplicity and liberation. Due to its infinite depth of field, the pinhole camera has unique abilities to redefine the world, whether working in extreme close up or playing with depth perception. In addition, its slight soft focus creates a dreamlike quality that is capable of rendering expressive images with an ethereal effect. It is also the perfect match for those interested in alternative processes, as you begin with an enlarged negative from the start!
please bring: a portfolio of 10 prints, small notebook and pencil, watch with second hand or a stop watch / additional materials provided by CPW via your lab fee.
class limit: 12
tuition: $325 / CPW members: $295
Lab fee: $60
Learn more about CRAIG J. BARBER here.
June 14-15
“Invisible connection is stronger than visible. To arrive at the basic structure of things we must go into their darkness.” – HeraclitusWe will begin by talking about a personal dream or imagined images and explore the qualities in them we may want to make into photographs. We will share and review portfolios, and Josephine will show you her latest work dealing with these themes and expressing what was revealed to her after the fact by the images themselves. We will then go out to photograph. Whether you choose to make images of the landscape, models, objects you’ve brought from home, or found items on location… Josephine will be there to help with techniques that can yield the results you envision. After our shoots we will share some of the work made and discuss what is communicated by it to one another. This class is open to all photographers working in any genre with any format.
Participants should bring: things that reappear in your dreams or that haunt you as items to photograph, (a model will also be available), your favorite camera and film/memory cards, a portfolio of 10-20 prints, and found images that compel you.
Class limit: 15
Tuition: $325 / CPW members: $295
Model fee: $60
learn more about JOSEPHINE SACABO here.