
my 100th post - enter to win a print

This is my 100th post! Wow! I am very proud of myself. I never thought I would get so into blogging...and here I am, obsessed.

A celebration is in order. Send me your name and some way of contacting you and I will put you in a raffle to win an archival inkjet print of this image, which is used in the blog title. I will pick the winner next week and mail it out to them. There is no time to waste- enter this awesome free contest.


Anonymous said...

ok, I give in since you approve the messages and I dig the print:

Ross C
80 East 8th St, 1st Fl
Clifton, NJ 07011

Patti Gibbons said...

GEEZ wish I had read this sooner!!!!!! Well, put me in the drawing girl! Great idea!


Anonymous said...

ha! How did I miss this one? well, I like you enough to buy one, so I guess it's ok...post the winner so can get excited for them! They now own a masterpiece!