
my workshop ramble

Some notes, comments and experiences as the workshop manager at the Center for Photography at Woodstock....

albumen coated paper hanging to dry overnight

let us now praise alternative processes!
what a fun and jam packed weekend with the alt pro guru Christopher James. I wish I could google his brain! he is filled with knowledge about every process you can think of.

Day one- the class worked with cyanotype, pinhole (to make negs), made an albumen mixture and coated paper.

His lecture that night was great. The main thing I walked away from it was to maintain a sense of humor about yourself and your work. Not always easy for me but really good advice. And, I was introduced to Christopher's paintings. They blew my mind! Like what you see below? Check out more here.

Day two- albumen madness. Lots of beautiful work made. Actually, it was amazing to see that everyone got it so quickly. I am inspired.

Look out for my posts all week which will be highlighting some great artists using alt processes in their work.

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