
My Sunday Local Artist Ramble

another sunday...and in the shadow of woodstock's imfamous Levon Helms...another local artist ramble from the hills...

today I will be highlighting the work of Patti Gibbons who lives and works in Kingston, NY and grew up in Woodstock. She is wildly creative and most definitely one of the busiest women I know. She is an active studio artist, full time teacher and serious blog contributor (i think she has 3). Check out her blog Catskill Paper and her Etsy shop where you can buy lots of great art. She does a stellar job with it all.
Patti uses lots of interesting vintage material in her collages. I am in love with the details and amazing graphics in each piece. She has taken elements of her fine art work and made it more available by constructing wonderful cards and ornaments. I am inspired and seek a similar balance in my work. Cheers to another great local artist!

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