
my sunday local artist ramble

Every inch of my body is sore from cross-country sking. I am laying in bed with my laptop trying to keep my mind off the aching bones & muscles. I had a stellar time- and clearly need to get used to it. seriously though, i had such a good time that i plan on doing this to myself again next week. that says something.

Regardless of my physical pain, I still would like to ramble for a moment about this weeks' sunday local artist. Myra Mimlitsch-Gray is faculty in the metals department at SUNY New Paltz. When I was an undergrad there, she was notorious for being an amazing teacher & artist. I never worked with her but many close friends did and always grew as artists from the experience. I was able to see her work in faculty shows and loved it. My understanding of metals was very limited. I could understand it as a tool to make functional items but was oblivious to its many other non-functional functions (he he). Myra guides her metal to act in a way I had never seen before. It is caught in a moment- constructed to alter our perception and infultrate our senses. what am i looking at? how did this happen? did scotti beam me someone and i did not realize?
Whatever the answers might be...hats off to another awesome local artist. The hudson valley rocks!

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