
my sunday local artist/exhibition ramble

Daniel Mather, Locked, Acrylic on canvas, 26" x 34" from the exhibit Juxtapositions

greetings from the hudson valley...where spring is almost in effect. it was a really beautiful weekend here in woodstock. we have been dog sitting so we thought it was a good excuse to go hiking! went a few new places and had a stellar time. lovin life!

Today is sunday and in the shadow of the levon helms saturday night rambles comes my own version...the sunday local artist ramble. this week i am highlighting the work of David Cahill, artist from Utica, NY (not too far from here) and a local group exhibition that he is in called Juxtapositions which will be in April at Limner Gallery in Hudson.

David Cahill, The Vision of St Kirsten, Oil on Panel, 60" x 42"

David Cahill, check out his blog here or website here, and I went to graduate school together at UMass. He is extremely talented and worth checking out! This exhibition looks really interesting and includes lots of exciting artists. I will definitely be at the opening to support David. Hope to see you there!

David Cahill, The Calling of Saint Norm, 2003 oil on canvas, 40 x 40 in.

1 comment:

Kevin G. said...

Hi Liz,

Please send me an email to let me know when and where you'd like to meet on saturday.
