
Denver Update, Day 1

I made it to the mile-high city safe and sound. I am delirious and exhausted but also very inspired and stimulated after my first day of programming at the Society for Photographic Educators National Conference (see website here). Lots to share on the blog but I need rest- so I will choose one artist to post (for now, but definitely more to come).

Lauren Greenfield is an artist I have admired for a while. Today she gave a talk about her work which i was lucky enough to go to. It was a completely packed room and was so energetic to see that many people interested in someone's work.
Some of the sub-cultures that Lauren has documented and that she spoke about today include California kids and young teens from very well-off families, girl culture from around the country, exotic dancers and females with devistating eating disorders. In addition to books & websites regarding these topics, HBO commissioned the film Thin which follows a group of girls through their treatment for various eating disorders.

Lauren's unique approach to this work involves lengthy interviews with the people being photographed- which adds an incredible depth to the projects. There is no indication in her work that her subjects are uncomfortable by her presence. It is actually quite the opposite. Lauren provides the viewer with a rare closeness as if we are thumbing through a family album.

1 comment:

Joetta M. said...

i love her stuff too. i bet it was great.
thanks for the book recommendations too.